PR11 2020

World-renowned street artist Okuda San Miguel will enrich Oldenburg with a spectacular mural on the occasion of the Filmfest’s opening. The opening gala will take place virtually and in living rooms of the //CRASH Building.
The world premiere of the opening film »Puppy Love« will take place on Wednesday, September 16, at the //CRASH Building just outside Oldenburg. Starting Sunday, September 13, world-famous street artist Okuda San Miguel, who also designed the artwork for the film, will decorate a public Oldenburg wall with an exclusive, large-format work of art on the occasion of the premiere.
On the occasion of the world premiere of Michael Maxxis's film »Puppy Love«, the Oldenburg International Film Festival will welcome spectacular visitors from the international art scene. In addition to the guests of the opening film, the renowned street artist Okuda San Miguel will decorate an Oldenburg wall with a motif from »Puppy Love« just in time for the opening of the festival. Okuda is a true star of the street art scene as well as a friend of director Michael Maxxis's, and was also responsible for the artwork of his directing debut. Okuda's monumental works of art have already brought new tourist attractions to numerous cities around the world. The Oldenburg mural will not only be an outstanding visual highlight in urban space, but also a symbol of the close connection between the city and the festival.
The opening gala itself will take place at the //CRASH Building, a shared workspace of the software companies Ashampoo and Clever Reach. Ashampoo founder Rolf Hilchner applied as a host of a living room gala, which will be held on the premises of the //CRASH Building while adhering to all hygiene regulations. It is also thanks to the generous support of Rolf Hilchner that the spectacular Okuda project can be realized. Due to the required distance rules, the number of participants is strictly limited. In order to retain the character of a living room, the opening film will be shown simultaneously in several living room lounges. In one of them, two lucky winners of the living room competition will be able to experience the world premiere of »Puppy Love« together with the premiere guests in a real living room atmosphere.
The complete program, including all films and the timetable, can be viewed online at Material on all films from this year's program can be found at
Tickets are available at