The Book Of Solutions

FRA 2023
Director: Michel Gondry
Cast: Pierre Niney, Blanche Gardin, Frankie Wallach

102 Min. | OmeU
International Premiere

Eccentric director Marc has already spent five million dollars on his ambitious film project »Anyone, everyone« when the producers unceremoniously cut him off and want to finish the project without him. Desperate, Marc takes a cigarette break while he steals away all the files of his project and the loyal core of the film team. Somewhere in the south of France, in the house of Marc's aunt, the fugitives finally settle in and try by all means to bring their dream to a happy conclusion. In the process, just about everything that could go wrong does, and between improvised orchestral rehearsals for the soundtrack, animated cutscenes and the desperate hunt for a meaningful fifth act, Marc has to admit to himself that Hollywood is slowly receding into the unattainable distance.
Michel Gondry, the great dreamer of French cinema, has taken a full eight years to make another new film for the big screen after »Microbe & Gasoline« (2015). And as desperate and crazy as that sounds, it took an idea as wild as »The book of solutions« to do it.
Meta-cinema at its finest!