
USA 2020
Director: Weston Terray
Cast: Andrey Pfening, Dashiell Hillman, Juliana Frick

107 Min. | OV | Originalversion
International Premiere
Midnite Xpress

Henry’s father collects rocks. And running a simple errand for his dad turns into an otherworldly adventure for Henry, as reality dissolves into fantasy in Weston Terray’s visionary wonderland. A young man, lost and injured, wakes in the warmth of a country home cared for by a kindly physician and his daughter. An ambitious newspaper reporter plucks him from betrayal and together they become entangled in the cursed fortune of an heiress, and a world of prosperity and ruin. Inspired by Lewis Carroll, it drifts and sinks deeper into a dream, as if into the heart of an intimate dollhouse enveloped in a snow globe. A hand-built film that recalls the 60s era of fantasy not reliant on digital effects, Terray spent seven years building the set in his living room, piece by piece, with just a couple of friends – and a lot of duct tape and foam. The result is a diamond.