Passenger C

USA 2023
Director: Cassian Elwes
Cast: Jon Jacobs, Eric Bruneau, Mary Bonner-Baker, Cheri Moon

91 Min. | OV
International Premiere

An unruly passenger's increasingly aggressive behavior throws an overnight flight to LA into a threatening situation and the life of Hollywood agent and producer Cassian out of its path. Cassian agrees to take the seat next to Marco, who turns out as an ex-Marine with PTSD, to calm him down. The two men grow closer, and Cassian redefines his inner compass. He begins to fight for things that previously had no place in his busy schedule, for a project called »Dallas Buyers Club« that nobody in Hollywood believes in, and for Marco, who faces a 20-year prison sentence if nobody stands up in his defense.

What sounds like a Hollywood »inspirational story« is the true story and directorial debut of Cassian Elwes, who, ten years after this dramatic event, had the courage to direct his film outside of his very own Hollywood terrain. And it is only this angle that creates a genuine and unfiltered view of his own life within the industry and reminds us what cinema is capable of, as long as there are people who do not rely on formulas, but give space to instinct and empathy. A rousing, intense drama and a very personal look behind the scenes of the dream factory. As a co-producer, Veronica Ferres demonstrates a great deal of empathy for strong independent cinema.