The Festival celebrated its 20th Anniversary by reflecting upon its past while embracing its future. An Exhibition titled »People & Places« featuring portraits of past guests and honorees taken in unique Oldenburg locales was accompanied by a Collector’s Edition photo book of the same name, chronicling years of Festival highlights.

Indie icon, Seymour Cassel, was honored with the Official ‘Seal Of the City’ for his ongoing support of the City and the Festival over 20 years - during which its international reputation rose to become considered »The European Sundance«.

Female filmmakers were a dominant force, as Lola Randl’s »Invention Of Love« opened the Festival, with its star Sunnyi Melles in attendance at Oldenburg’s grand State Theatre. The 2013 Retrospective was dedicated to Iranian filmmaker-in-exile, Mania Akbari, marking the first time her revolutionary works had ever been screened in Germany. And Veronica Ferres received the Star of Excellence on the OLB Walk of Fame.

Exciting discoveries were again celebrated as David Perrault’s debut »Our Heroes Died Tonight« won ‘Best Film’. The International Jury, headed by 2013s Tribute honoree, Robert ‘Bobcat’ Goldthwait, awarded ‘Best German Film’ to Tom Lass’ »Kaptn Oscar«, for which Martina Schöne-Radunski won the ‘The Seymour Cassel Award’ for Outstanding Performance.


The Lost Oldenburg Weekend Re:Loaded. Young filmmaker Tom Bewilogua was at the helm directing 2013s 20th Oldenburg International Film Festival trailer, which directly ties into previous year’s homage to Billy Wilder’s »The Lost Weekend«. At Oldenburg’s famous dive bar Marvin’s Jan Plewka and Arno Frisch reprise their parts from the previous year.