The Jesus Rolls

USA 2019
Director: John Turturro
Cast: Bobby Cannavale, Audrey Tautou

85 Min. | OV | Originalversion
German Premiere

»The Big Lebowski« has of course become a treasure trove of quotes, situations and indelible images that have filled the cinematic canon unlike any other film, but John Turturro‘s role as Jesus – as short as it may be – will be burned into our eyelids forever in its shrill, purple glory. »Don’t fuck with the Jesus«, we hear deep in our minds – and now the time has come. He has risen, as Turturro has resurrected him with the full blessing of the Coen brothers to let him walk the path of the classics of French cinema. »The Jesus Rolls« is a clever remake of Bertrand Bliers »Les valseuses«, which turned Gerard Depardieu into an international star in the 70s. The anti-bourgeois attitude of that era might be of little relevance in the 2020s, but that does not matter. When Jesus appears with his bowling ball, all time stands still. A entertaining and irresistible charming homage to the wild cinema of the 70s, starring bowling anarchist »The Jesus«, clearly the most incongruous figure out of the Coen Brothers‘ oeuvre, which is no small feat. Easter forcineastes. Hallelujah!